Electronic Recommendation Agents Examples

By | May 13, 2023

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Electronic Recommendation Agents Examples

Electronic Recommendation Agents Examples

The feature literature represents the most extensive research in the field with the potential for high impact. A feature paper should be a significant original piece that covers a variety of techniques or approaches, provides a perspective for future research directions, and describes possible research applications.

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Feature papers are submitted at the personal invitation or recommendation of the Scientific Editors and must receive positive feedback from reviewers.

Editors’ Choice articles are based on the recommendations of scientific editors of journals around the world. The editors select a small number of articles recently published in the journal that they believe will be of particular interest to readers or important in a related field of research. The aim is to provide a snapshot of some of the most interesting works published in various research areas.

Received: 29 April 2020 / Revised: 15 May 2020 / Accepted: 18 May 2020 / Published: 21 May 2020

Since the last decade, pharmaceutical companies have been facing problems in tracking their products throughout the supply chain process, which allows counterfeiters to introduce fake drugs in the market. Counterfeit drugs are analyzed as a very big challenge for the pharmaceutical industry worldwide. As statistics indicate, US pharmaceutical companies report a business loss of $200 billion annually due to these counterfeit drugs. These drugs may not help patients recover from the disease, but have many other dangerous side effects. According to a research report of the World Health Organization (WHO), every 10th drug used by consumers in underdeveloped countries is fake and ineffective. Therefore, a system that can detect and track the drug supply at each step is needed to tackle the counterfeiting problem. Blockchain is fully capable of managing and tracking the supply chain process efficiently. In this paper, we have proposed and implemented a novel blockchain and machine learning based drug supply chain management and insurance system (DSCMR). The proposed system has two main modules: blockchain-based drug supply chain management and machine-based drug recommendation system for customers. In the first module, a drug supply chain management system is deployed using hyperledger fabrics capable of continuously monitoring and tracking the drug supply process in a smart pharmaceutical industry. On the other hand, N-gram and LightGBM models are used in machine learning to recommend better or better drugs to customers in the pharmaceutical industry. These models are trained on publicly available drug review data provided by the UCI: open source engine repository. Also, the machine learning module is integrated with this blockchain system with the help of REST API. Finally, we also conducted several tests to verify the efficiency and usability of the proposed system.

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Counterfeit drugs are a big challenge for the pharmaceutical industry worldwide. A question arises here: What does fake medicine mean? According to the World Health Organization, “a drug that does not comply with the defined criteria is considered fake or counterfeit, counterfeit, poorly labeled, of low quality, with source information or identity hidden” [1]. A study conducted by the WHO said that lies are one of the ten drugs used by consumers in underdeveloped countries. The statement of the World Health Organization may not be complete or more accurate as there are no accurate statistics or statistics of counterfeit drugs. The use of poor quality and unsuitable medicine can cause adverse effects and increase the death rate. Counterfeit drugs may contain some active or genuine ingredients, but the amount of these ingredients may not be correct, may be low or high, and the production level may contain some toxic impurities that may cause health problems. important in humans when used. Sometimes the makers of these fake drugs use the logo of some famous and famous pharmaceutical companies to launch their drugs easily in the market without facing any hurdles. Therefore, these drugs affect the sale of popular and widespread drugs such as antibiotics, cancer, pain relievers and many other cardiovascular drugs, and cause many side effects and serious health problems. As mentioned above, 10-15% of drugs in the world are fake, but in the case of developing countries, the share of these drugs is around 30%. Annual deaths due to malaria are about 0.7 million and deaths due to drug addiction are about 0.2 million of them [3]. As you know, the increasing use of technologies provides more ways to distribute these fake drugs in the market. Due to the advent of technology, the supply of these fake drugs is also increasing day by day. The FBI and the International Anti-Counterfeiting Coalition (IACC) reported that counterfeiting is one of the biggest criminal enterprises of the 21st century and is growing rapidly with new counterfeit pharmaceutical manufacturers entering the market [4, 5].

Nowadays, everyone has the basic right to access the best health facilities. Every day a large number of drugs are introduced in the market with new names and labels due to the increasing number of new diseases everywhere. These medicines help the patient to get relief from unbearable pain. Instead of the benefits from these drugs, there are many disadvantages because they are unknown and do not meet specific standards due to the fact that the organizations of these suppliers are not registered or recognized. Many deaths are reported from developing countries due to the use of these counterfeit drugs, and children are the most victims of these drugs according to the WHO [3, 6]. As statistics indicate, US pharmaceutical companies report annual business losses of $200 billion due to these counterfeit drugs [1]. These drugs may not help patients recover from the disease, but may have many other dangerous side effects. These drugs are very dangerous to human health. These counterfeit drugs are distributed through several networks; That is why it is difficult to detect these illegal drugs. The US allocates a budget of about $3.2 trillion to the health care sector, and a quarter of this budget is used for the management of a secure supply chain [7, 8]. Lack of expert advice and suggestions to overcome and avoid counterfeit drug problems, including safe and drug distribution and supply chain processes, improved management and control of the drug product at the pharmacy, supplier and clinical levels, and the use of innovation technologies. Continuity of medicines at every level of the supply chain [9, 10]. From the points mentioned above, safe drug supply chain management is very important to prevent this problem. This problem requires a better system that can detect and track the drug supply at each level from the supplier’s raw materials, the product, the distribution level, the pharmacy, the hospitals and the customers respectively to prevent counterfeit drugs. . Also, blockchain is a new innovation in the field of computing that can manage the supply chain and track the product. Blockchain can secure the supply chain process and track delivery very well [11, 12].

Blockchain is a revolutionary technology based on the consensus principle introduced by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008; Basically, it is specially designed to keep a record of transactions of a popular cryptocurrency named Bitcoin [13]. Blockchain provides very rich digital encryption software to store data records and transactional records. More directly, it is a secure shared database. Digital information related to each transaction, its time, date, price and the parties involved in this transaction are stored in a block. The stored information is shared within the blockchain network; Many independent departments participate to approve transactions without knowing each other and without any kind of trust between them. Each block in the network has two hash codes i.e. previous and current hash codes. The previous hash code is for the previous block and the current code is for the block. Moreover, if a block of information is changed, all information about that block must be changed accordingly. All blocks within the network are interconnected and secured by transaction codes and crypto codes. Another key feature is strong mathematical algorithms that give miner nodes the ability to validate these blocks without affecting miner nodes’ data, and blocks can be added to the blockchain after validation.

Electronic Recommendation Agents Examples