Electronic Reference Check

By | September 5, 2023

Electronic Reference Check – Digitize the entire reference checking process. Change the form to digital and leave the admin. Other referral services don’t serve the 37% of companies who want to send you a referral but don’t have time to fill out a referral form. By automating everything, we eliminate all problems.

Automated digital links have been developed to achieve these results. We spent 8 months building an automated digital referral service that caters to organizations that still want to do referrals manually. For this reason, we managed to fulfill more than 3,000 recommendations for our customers in 4 months with minimal operational expenditure. Know more

Electronic Reference Check

Electronic Reference Check

Create your own digital form llama that allows organizations to create and publish forms on llama. This means you can use llama to create custom referral forms, digital opt-in forms, and contracts using the drag and drop form builder. All referrals are stored securely in your account. Know more

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Our platform has increased the number of referrals for our existing clients by 32%. We also reduced working hours by nearly 60% to collect references for previous employers. It digitizes manual processes in minutes.

1. Create an invitation In a few simple steps, you can request referee information from your employee, or provide referee information if you already have it. to work After confirming the referee details, contact the referee and follow the completion3. Secure Return Links Digital reference forms are securely returned and manual references are returned directly to your inbox to complete your reference request.

Transforming traditional manual reference collections into a powerful automated digital process. There are no barriers to entry in our system as everything is fully tailored to your organization to ensure you are compliant. You can set up referrals in minutes.

Our service delivered over 6,000 referrals to a client in 3 months and reduced the admin to do the same process manually by 60%.

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Rest assured that you can create a custom form and follow the process to ensure it meets the requirements.

Not all employers will have a policy for completing digital forms. We built an automated tool to support this – so that became our first system.

More than 35% of organizations have policies for completing their own forms. Therefore, existing recommendation services do not provide this, meaning it immediately reduces its performance.

Electronic Reference Check

Llama Ref is fully customizable and cross-sector compatible. We ensure quality and reduce risk with complex fraud reduction procedures. You can set it up in minutes and increase your referral rate by over 30%.

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Fits perfectly into the recruiting agency’s process. Hiring volumes are high and all staffing agencies rely on speed and quality to ensure their clients make the right hiring decisions. ensures performance regardless of the size of your agency.

If you’re a direct-hire company, give your prospective employees the best possible experience by reducing your onboarding time. By automating the collection of references, we can reduce the actual hiring time, so you can focus on the more important requirements.

The public sector is a key sector where references are important for recruitment. This process is a significant cost burner for organizations operating in the public sector. A powerful recommendation system that improves quality and reduces risk through fraud checks ensures you make the right decision.

Introduced the digital form and the conclusion of the contract. With a powerful digital form builder and workflow interface, customers can instantly add digital forms and sign contracts to their accounts. Talk to our success team today.

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No matter the size of your organization, our success stories stand out from the crowd. Since launching this year, we have made referrals for more than 7,000 professionals in several industries.

Vision Education is one of our BETA customers and helps perfect the end-to-end recruitment journey. It is a national company with 150 employees in 24 branches and employs more than 10,000 educational staff annually. In the 3 months since the national launch, Lama has reduced the rental time from 40 days to about 15 days, and 10 days is the next goal.

The smart teacher was another BETA customer during our nationwide trial. Previously, their organization relied on manual forms and a very administrative referral system. The use of a digital reference form and a management process for customers who still wish to submit a manual reference form increased referral completion by 41% in 3 months using llama.id.

Electronic Reference Check

ABC manually collected references from previous employers prior to use. automate this process to get a reference form by filling out the manual form yourself and make sure we get that response right away so we can update our employee records and review the information.

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Unlike other referral providers, they provide full control over search and verification. You can update your referee information and pause and restart referral drives at any time. Our system is updated instantly, so you can be sure that referral hunters won’t be sent to the wrong email or chased away when they need more information. all the great skills and experience they say they will, otherwise something disappointing will emerge.

To eliminate all lies and exaggerations—and to find honest, qualified candidates—you need to include reference checks in your applicant screening process. Here’s our guide on how to do it quickly, easily and painlessly.

Content check link: What do the numbers tell you? What is a reference check? Reference checking vs. background check: what’s the difference? What is the best way to verify referrals? Applicant screening process

You might not want to believe that someone would lie on their CV, but a staggering 92.5% of British workers surveyed did. Most workers lie about the length of their previous employment, employment gaps or exaggerated previous salary.

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You might think so, but in fact 71.6% of the employees got the job they applied for as a result of their lies – in other words, they got away with it.

Will this eventually lead to their termination, resulting in the employer going through the hiring process all over again?

A reference check is when the hiring manager, employer, or recruiter contacts the candidate’s previous workplace to obtain additional information about the candidate’s performance and skills. The purpose of the reference check is to ensure that the candidate has the necessary qualifications to fill the position that the employer wants to fill.

Electronic Reference Check

During the reference check, the hiring manager confirms the information on the candidate’s CV. They can dig a little deeper into our employer’s experience with the candidate by asking about our candidate:

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Conducting a reference check is often the last step a hiring manager or recruiter takes before presenting a job offer to a candidate. They may also conduct background checks and employment history checks, which will be discussed later.

Typically, the hiring manager will conduct a reference check with the candidate’s previous manager or immediate supervisor. But this is not always the case.

For example, if a candidate is competing for a supervisory role, the hiring manager can gain better insight into what kind of manager he is by talking to employees he has previously managed.

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Reference checks and background checks go hand in hand during the hiring process. While a reference check is an interview-like exploration of a candidate’s past work performance, a background check is more of a fact-finding mission.

If you need additional insight into a candidate’s work experience, you may also want to run an employment background check. As the name suggests, this audit describes an employee’s complete and comprehensive work experience. A basic employment history check will tell you:

Many services offer in-depth employment background checks for employers who want more information about a candidate. In addition to the details mentioned above, a more detailed study can tell you:

Electronic Reference Check

What are the best questions to ask in the first, second or third interview? We’ve collected our favorite HR interview questions for you to enjoy and use. Download now for free.

Past Employers Have Latitude In Providing References

First of all, ask the candidate for permission to contact their previous employer. Ideally, you would get a reference from the candidate’s most recent employer – but this is not always possible.

If the candidate is currently employed, the employer may not know that he is leaving the company. You don’t want to put the candidate in an uncomfortable position at his current job, even if he’s leaving soon.

Solicit feedback from those involved in the interview and hiring process to see what questions or concerns they have about the candidate. Make sure everyone feels comfortable and confident with the new employee to make the transition as smooth as possible