How To Write A Good Recommendation

By | September 17, 2023

How To Write A Good Recommendation – Use this recommendation letter template to provide references to a former student or former team member. Match this sample with your feedback about that particular person. This letter can also be called “employee recommendation”.

No one likes a blank page when asked to write a recommendation letter—even if you have a lot to say, you may need help organizing your thoughts. We’ve created a template to help you get started and gather some tips on how to dress your letter.

How To Write A Good Recommendation

How To Write A Good Recommendation

A letter of recommendation is a brief description of your experience or acquaintance with someone, usually a former student or employee, in which you admire their work or character. This person may ask you for a recommendation when applying for a job or university.

Perfect Letters Of Recommendation For A Friend

Since your former student or employee asked you for a letter of recommendation, they probably expect you to provide positive feedback about your work. If you’re not sure you can really recommend them, or if you don’t remember your interaction with them very well, you can tell them you can’t send a letter right now.

So what do you say in a letter of recommendation? Here’s an effective method you can use right from the start:

What should be written in the recommendation letter depends on the purpose of the letter. Is your former team member applying for a graduate program, internship, or job? Who should you address the letter to and what is that person most interested in?

Answering these questions will help you enter the correct information. For example, if a former member of your team applied for a machine learning training program, it would be more helpful if you included how they performed on the machine learning project you supervised. Or if you know the job they’re trying to get requires leadership skills, give relevant examples as well.

Letter Of Recommendation Examples Of 2023

If you don’t have this information, ask a former student or colleague for more details, or choose more general examples.

It is helpful to refresh memories of that person’s work or your experiences with them. If they are former students, they may have done projects under your supervision. If they were former team members, you can view all available notes about their performance.

Here are two templates to get you started, one for a former employee and one for a former student:

How To Write A Good Recommendation

Our templates give you an outline of what you might include, but feel free to modify them or add as many examples as you think are important. Here are a few things to note:

A Guide To Writing Recommendation Letters

For example, see an example of a revised letter of recommendation for two cases (information and names provided are fictitious):

I am writing to recommend May Thompson. He worked with me at Acme Inc. He reported to me as a Senior Sales Manager and as a VP of Sales.

May was always reliable and resourceful as an employee. During his time on my team, he was able to build a strong sales team from scratch. His team has exceeded our annual goals for closed deals three years in a row. May also conducted significant customer research and provided a number of key recommendations for our product positioning strategies.

I have always prioritized quality leadership and problem solving among my team members, and May has never failed on either front. One example was how he motivated his team members with several fun competitions and used them as an opportunity to train younger employees. He also helped resolve major conflicts between the sales and production teams regarding features that our customers were requesting.

Letter Of Recommendation Templates: How To Write & Examples

May is a pleasure to work with – a team player with a positive attitude all the way. If the opportunity arises, I would not hesitate to hire him again.

I am writing to recommend Luke Thompson for your PhD program in chemical engineering. I have been a professor of chemical engineering at Acme University for over 15 years, specializing in nanotechnology. Mr. Thompson was my student for two years before graduating from Acme.

As a student, Mr. Thompson was always inquisitive and eager to learn. When he was in my class, he was working on various projects where he was doing research in the field of nanotechnology and biotechnology. His grades in all these projects were excellent, as his papers were well researched, well structured and provided brilliant insights. One of the examples is his project about nanosensors and their impact on the field of biomedicine. We submitted this paper to a conference held in Berlin and it was immediately accepted.

How To Write A Good Recommendation

I have always valued initiative and hard work among my students and Mr. Thompson never failed to do so. An example was when he and some other students organized a lecture with different professors. In these open lectures, every student can ask questions about each professor’s field of expertise. It was Mr. Thompson who suggested that the sessions could also serve as informal career guidance for middle or high school students.

Free Letter Of Recommendation Templates & Samples

Mr. Thompson is intelligent, hardworking and has a great interest in chemistry and chemical engineering. I do not hesitate to cooperate with him in a scientific capacity.

These two sample letters of recommendation will give you an idea of ​​how you can format your letter of recommendation. Whether it’s an employer letter of recommendation or a student letter of recommendation, our guide will expedite the process.

You can download the recommendation letter template from the link below or download the recommendation letter template in pdf format. A letter of recommendation is a written, signed document that provides feedback on an individual’s performance, leadership, and work ethic. This is also known as a reference letter.

The writer of the recommendation letter should be able to speak directly to the individual’s ability to perform in the position for which the candidate is applying. Good examples of recommenders include:

Check Free Essay For Recommendation Letter Sample

It’s important to choose someone who takes the job seriously and takes the time to write a proper letter. A hastily written letter can seem weak and superficial and can be ineffective or perhaps counterproductive.

Showing a little effort before asking someone to write to you will go a long way. Before you apply and submit your application, write a letter of recommendation with all the best qualities you think you have. This allows the person to simply sign or amend the letter. In most cases, that person will add more compliments to say about you in the letter.

Make sure the right party is available to discuss the possibility of writing a letter of recommendation. Usually you don’t want to disturb someone during work or in their private time. The best non-intrusive way to ask for a letter of recommendation is via email so the person can find a time in their schedule to send you a response.

How To Write A Good Recommendation

Don’t be pushy or boring once you’ve stated your desired deadline or deadline for the recommendation letter. A simple and respectful reminder goes a long way.

How To Write A Letter Of Recommendation With Ai

After your candidate has sent you a completed letter of recommendation, be sure to proofread it before sending it. Thank the person who went out of their way to do you this favor.

Although some types of recommendation letters follow a loose format, most letters follow a specific format and should be written in a professional tone. The more the writer knows the candidate, the more detailed the content can be. However, the length of the recommendation letter is less important than the content of the letter.

The introductory paragraph should introduce the candidate and the author, the relationship between them, and the length of that relationship. It should also include the position for which the candidate is applying (if applicable) along with a reason for the writer’s recommendation.

If the recipient of the letter is specified, the writer should address it specifically to that person, usually the hiring manager/supervisor, admissions officer, or admissions committee. If it’s not clear who will read the letter, it’s usually best to start with “To whom it may concern.”

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Although not always necessary, writing the date at the top helps preserve the validity of the recommendation letter. If the date of the letter is 2014 and the person in question applies for a job in 2023, the legitimacy of the letter is significantly reduced.

Example #1 To the Admissions Committee, it is my honor to recommend Sally Whitfield for admission to your esteemed institution. I have been Sally’s science teacher for the past four years, and I grade Sally’s academic performance in her class based on grades, attendance, and class participation. Example #2 March 18, 2022 Dear Mr. Larson, My name is Dai Huliang and I am writing to you regarding Jason O’Sullivan’s application for Hotel Manager. For the past 2 years, he has been working as a reception supervisor at the Place D’Armes Hotel