Online Bayesian Recommendation With No Regret

By | June 12, 2023

Online Bayesian Recommendation With No Regret – In this post, I will discuss the multi-armed robbery problem and the implementation of four specific robbery algorithms in Python (epsilon greedy, UCB1, Bayesian UCB, and EXP3). I evaluate their performance as a content measurement system on a real dataset of movie categories and provide simple and reproducible code to apply these algorithms to other tasks.

Multi-armed cliques are a class of online learning algorithms that allocate fixed resources to competing alternatives that attempt to learn the best allocation strategy over time.

Online Bayesian Recommendation With No Regret

Online Bayesian Recommendation With No Regret

The multi-armed bandit problem is often judged by a gambler playing a slot machine. Imagine you are in a casino with a row of (k) slots, each machine has a hidden pay function that determines how much it pays out. You want to enter the casino with a certain amount of money and learn the best strategy to maximize your profits. You have no idea which machine is expected to pay the most at first, so try one at random and watch the payout. Now that you have a little more information than before, you have to decide: Do I use this machine now that I know more about the payment function, or do I take the arms that have less information and explore other options? You want to strike the most profitable balance between exploring every possible engine so that you don’t miss out on something valuable by simply not testing often enough and exploiting the most profitable engine yet. The multinomial bandit algorithm is designed to learn the optimal balance for allocating resources among certain options in such situations, learning an efficient exploration and exploitation strategy that maximizes rewards accumulated over time.

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Before looking at any specific algorithms, the Bandit configuration language and problem structure is slightly different from traditional machine learning, so it is useful to first establish some definitions and basic principles. This is what the orchestration looks like in a nutshell.

This is similar to reinforcement techniques like Q-learning, in that they learn and improve strategies over time. The bandit problem is a significant departure from the traditional mechanical problem setting, where the time-dependent nature (starts with zero or less of all arms, learns more over time) of the entire data set is available to one model at a time. Getting trained as a one-time process. Bandits need frequent strategy updates.

There are many variations on running a multi-armed robbery attempt using a real-world dataset. In this article I will describe the test setup in detail. I advise you to read it before proceeding. If not, here’s a short version of how this test is set up:

But read the full article to learn more about evaluating the multi-armed banding algorithm using a historical dataset.

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As the name suggests, the epsilon greedy algorithm follows a greedy arm selection strategy by selecting the best performing arm at each time step. However, (epsilon ) percent of the time it will be out of strategy and choose a random arm. The value of (epsilon ) determines the fraction of time the algorithm examines the available arms and the rest of the time uses the historically best performing ones.

This algorithm has several advantages. First, it is easy to explain ((epsilon %) explore the time steps, use ((1-epsilon) %). The algorithm fits in one theorem!) Second, (epsilon ) is simple to optimize is it. Third, despite its simplicity, it usually gives good results. Epsilon is the direct return of greedy hijacking algorithms.

Just as linear regression can be extended to a broad family of general linear models, there are many modifications to the epsilon greedy algorithm that trade off some of its simplicity for better performance. One of these improvements is to use a strategy that minimizes epsilon. In this version of the algorithm (epsilon ) decays over time. The implication of this is that the need to explore becomes less important over time and the selection of random arms becomes increasingly complex as the algorithm contains more complete information about the available arms. Another possible approach to this algorithm is the epsilon-first method, where the raids are randomized for a period of time to sample the available weapons and then use them. I won’t be using any of these methods in this article, but it’s worth noting that these options do exist.

Online Bayesian Recommendation With No Regret

Epsilon’s greed works well, but it’s easy to see how inefficient it is to choose weapons at random. If you have a movie that 50% of users like and another 5% like it, then epsilon is more likely to pick one of those movies when it greedily scans the random arms. Upper Confidence Bound algorithms are actually explored as part of the Bandit algorithm.

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Upper confidence-based algorithms generate a confidence interval for what the actual performance of each arm would be, taking into account the uncertainty caused by the variability of the data and the fact that we only look at a specific sample of absorption for any arm. The algorithms then select the arm with the highest UCB, assuming that each arm performs an upper confidence bound (UCB).

It has many good features. First, you can measure the size of the confidence interval to control how aggressively the raider explores or uses (eg, you can use a 99% confidence interval to explore or a 50% confidence interval.) Second, use high confidence. Scope makes the bandit pitcher more efficient than the greedy bandit epsilon. This happens because the confidence intervals get smaller as you look at more data points per arm. So while the algorithm tends to pick weapons with a high average performance, it also gives a chance to undetected weapons from time to time because their confidence intervals are wide.

Visualizing this helps to understand how these confidence limits produce the optimal balance of exploration and exploitation. Below I have created a hypothetical scenario where a UCB student decides which article to publish on a news site. There are three articles that are judged based on an upper confidence limit for click-through rate (CTR).

Article A has been viewed 100 times and has the best CTR. Article B has a slightly worse CTR than Article A, but it hasn’t been seen by as many users, so there’s more uncertainty about how well it will perform in the long run. Because of this, it has a higher confidence correlation, giving a slightly higher UCB score than Article A. We are not sure how high the CTR will eventually go, so even if the initial CTR is low, its UCB is the best for now.

Multi Armed Bandits In Python: Epsilon Greedy, Ucb1, Bayesian Ucb, And Exp3

Over time, more users will see branches B and C and their safety margins narrow and become more like branch A. Safety margins collapse to their potential. As long as the CTR in article B or C does not improve, the trust for the other articles decreases and the rash quickly starts to favor the A article.

A good UCB algorithm to start with is UCB1. UCB1 uses Hoeffding’s inequality to assign an upper bound for the arm’s mean pay when the true mean is more likely to be below the UCB assigned by the algorithm. Inequality says:

I’m replacing (t) with (n_) in the partition, which represents the number of times the arm (a) has been pulled, so it ends up being different from the total number of time steps (t) ) of the algorithm is running at a given time.

Online Bayesian Recommendation With No Regret

Here, (bar_) is the average reward of arm (a) at time (t), (t) is the current time step in the algorithm, and (n_) is the number. The time arm (a) has been taken so far.

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Taken together, a higher “like” rate for a movie in this data set means an increased likelihood of an arm being pulled, while the number of arms has been reduced so far, which encourages browsing. Also note that the part of the function containing the time steps the algorithm has been running ((t)) is in logarithm, which makes the algorithm tend to degrade over time. Jeremy Kuhn’s blog has an excellent explanation of this algorithm and the evidence that supports it. I also found this post from Lillian Weng’s blog helpful in understanding how confidence limits are generated using Hofding’s inequality.

An extension of UCB1 that goes one step further is the Bayesian UCB algorithm. This Bandit algorithm takes the same principles as UCB1, but allows you to include prior information about the distribution of arm rewards to navigate efficiently (the Hoffding inequality method of generating UCB1