Smartphone Recommendation System Kaggle

By | April 12, 2023

Smartphone Recommendation System Kaggle – Don’t know what movie to watch next, which article to read, or which product to buy? With millions of products and services to choose from, today’s customers suffer from a wealth of choices, and this is where recommender systems come to save the day, with the ability to consistently propose events and products that are beneficial to their customers. With today’s companies spending little money and constantly improving their own recommendation systems, it is not surprising that for some companies the majority of the revenue generated is entirely driven by such complex systems. So what are some of the other benefits of recommendation systems and what companies are famous for using such systems?

With personalized products and services provided to users, more sales are expected to be generated, where customers are more likely to spend on items that have a similar feel to their previous purchases.

Smartphone Recommendation System Kaggle

Smartphone Recommendation System Kaggle

The Recommender system provides customers with a unique sense of care and premium experience by consistently providing customers with their own personal salesperson with great expertise in what products or services customers want.

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By constantly guiding customers to their favorite products, events, articles, and more, customers won’t be overwhelmed by having too many choices. This guide will allow customers to focus more on what the service provides.

One of the most recommended users of the system is to share videos online with the social media platform Youtube. Youtube’s revenue is usually generated from its advanced recommendation algorithm, which continuously recommends top videos based on each customer’s unique preferences. Such preferences may include similar videos in the same genre, videos by the same creator, highly liked videos, etc.

Amazon, another giant in the world of e-commerce, makes full use of the recommender system by constantly suggesting new products for customers to choose from, keeping customers on their toes.

Powered by the well-known Tensor framework, TensorFlow recommender or TFRS is specially designed for building recommender system models. In addition to being moderately easy to learn, the TensorFlow Recommendation framework helps with the entire process of recommender system development, from data collection to analysis and deployment. In the tutorial part of this article, we will integrate the TensorFlow recommendation system into our recommender system model while explaining the structure of our model, with a brief explanation of each step in the code.

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In the practical part of this article, we will provide a machine learning model that can recommend new Reddit posts to users. We will provide the datasets used and a step-by-step tutorial on how to build the necessary models. You can use sites like Kaggle or GoogleColab, which have provided their users with cloud resources and hosted notebooks with the ability to compile python code.

As one of the most important parts of a machine learning model, we have a dataset. To find the dataset used in this tutorial, please see this link: Reddit Data. This data set contains millions of Reddit posts with usernames, post generators, and timestamps.

For any machine learning model, we need to start by downloading our libraries and packages. First, we have our random package, which can be used to generate random numbers. Moving on, we will use pandas to plot various graphs in our model. Such graphics will be used for visualizations that provide a better understanding of the model. Finally, we have the NumPy library, which provides us with the necessary algebraic functions.

Smartphone Recommendation System Kaggle

In this section, we will define some necessary methods. Our first method is a chunk (l, n) which will divide the data set into multiple chunks or fragments.

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The normalize(lst) method will perform the data normalization process. In general, normalization is the process of changing the value of a numerical column in a data set using a common scale without distorting the differences in the set of values ​​or losing information.

After downloading the Reddit dataset, we’ll use the read_csv function to read the data stored inside. We will use the head(100,000) method for only the first 100,000 posts.

We then count the number of unique values ​​in the subreddit column, and we also count the number of occurrences of each unique value. After that, we will calculate the inverse probability of each data point.

In the next part, we will refine the dataset, train and evaluate the model. Stay tuned!

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Feature papers represent the most advanced research with significant potential for high impact in the field. A Feature Paper should be a large original Article that includes several techniques or approaches, provides insight into future research directions and describes possible research applications.

Smartphone Recommendation System Kaggle

Feature papers are submitted on individual invitation or recommendation from scientific editors and must receive positive feedback from reviewers.

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Editor’s Choice articles are based on recommendations from scientific editors of journals from around the world. The editors select a small number of articles recently published in the journal that they believe will be of particular interest to their readers, or important to their respective research areas. The goal is to provide a snapshot of some of the most exciting work published in various research areas of the journal.

Received: 28 September 2020 / Revised: 19 October 2020 / Accepted: 23 October 2020 / Published: 27 October 2020

Recommender systems are the most in-depth research area for e-commerce product recommendations. Currently, many e-commerce platforms use text-based product search, which has limitations in finding the most similar products. Image-based similarity search for recommendations has gained significant popularity for many areas, especially for e-commerce platforms that provide users with a better search experience. In our research work, we proposed a machine-learning based approach for a similar image-based recommender system. We apply a dimensionality reduction approach using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) via Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) to transform the extracted features into a lower dimensional space. Next, we apply the K-Means++ clustering approach for possible cluster identification for similar groups of products. Later, we calculate the Manhattan distance measure for the input image in the target cluster set for extracting high-N similar products with low distance. We compared our approach with five different unsupervised clustering algorithms, namely Minibatch, K-Mediod, Agglomerative, Brich, and Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM), and used 40,000 datasets of fashion product images from the Kaggle web platform in the product recommendation process. We calculated various measures of cluster performance in K-means++ and achieved Silhouette Coefficient (SC) 0.1414, Calinski-Harabasz index score (CH) 669.4, and Davies–Bouldin index score (DB) 1.8538. Finally, our proposed PCA-SVD modified K-means ++ approach showed good performance compared to five other clustering approaches for similar image product recommendations.

In the digital age, the e-commerce industry is growing rapidly, especially as many users are switching to online shopping from traditional offline shopping in many developing countries. In countries such as India, China, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, etc., the growth rate continues to increase, and millions of users are interested in purchasing through e-commerce platforms [1, 2]. There is a greater scope to increase the demand for e-commerce purchases in many developing countries due to the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, and millions of people prefer to buy online shopping now. Especially many product categories that are in high demand such as clothing, electronics, furniture, sports, etc. [2]. While apparels and some electronic products rely more on visual appearance to attract users to buy products. This e-commerce portal consists of millions of images related to various products, and bringing the products that customers want is a challenging problem. Many researchers have come up with some possibilities to address the problem but not a satisfactory solution for many e-commerce problems [3, 4, 5, 6] because many e-commerce platforms use recommendation systems and mainly rely on text-based. search approach. It requires user input and is based on a word tokenization process. Recommender system is to bring suitable products to users. However, this type of approach has some limitations and does not capture many features such as color, pattern, texture, and shape in product images [7, 8]. In this text-based search, the description of each product needs to be identified, which may not describe all products. Here, we have developed a possible solution, namely search

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